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Can I Get Sunglasses With Progressive Lenses?

Optical Store in Toronto

Optical Store in Toronto

If you wear prescription bifocal or progressive eyeglasses, you may be wondering whether you can get  "progressive sunglasses" —  sunglasses with progressive lenses. The answer is yes, you can! 

Progressive sunglasses offer sharp vision at any distance. They allow you to go on hikes and road trips, or enjoy a lazy afternoon reading under the sun. Enjoying sharp vision at every distance—without needing to switch glasses—is worth the short adjustment period most people need to feel fully comfortable with their new progressive lenses. 

Contact Corktown Eyecare to learn more about progressive sunglasses. Our dedicated eye care team is here to answer any questions you may have, and will be happy to help you find the perfect progressive sunglasses for your face shape, style, and lifestyle.

What Are Progressive Lenses?

Progressive lenses accommodate three prescriptions in a single lens. They offer clear vision and a smooth transition from distance vision to intermediate vision to near vision —  without the usual line typically found in traditional bifocal lenses. Progressives have the added benefit of solving the need to buy multiple pairs of prescription glasses or having you switch glasses depending on your activity. 

These lenses are used by people of all ages, though the majority are worn by people aged 40 and older, as they tend to develop presbyopia (age-related farsightedness), which prevents them from clearly seeing images or objects up close.

Progressive Sunglasses

Progressive sunglasses offer an excellent solution for those with several prescriptions seeking eyewear for the outdoors. With progressive sunglasses, you’ll not only see better in the sun and protect your eyes from harmful UV rays. You will no longer have to switch between glasses and sunglasses.

Should I Get Progressive Sunglasses?

Although there's a short adjustment period while learning to use progressive lenses, most people say they'd never go back to bifocal lenses. The same goes for progressive sunglasses! And with essentially three glasses in one, you can be sure you're making the best choice in terms of comfort, aesthetics and convenience.

Here at Corktown Eyecare in Toronto, you'll find a wide array of sunglasses, from exclusive brands to ultra-affordable models from our own hand-picked suppliers. We'll be happy to prescribe quality progressive lenses for ultimate comfort in the sun.